I have not had the heart to sit here for weeks. The Sunday after Thanksgiving Rickey sprained his wrist at the park. A trip to the doctor started a chain of events.
Federico "Rickey" Cugat Elliott Hohman died Friday December 8 at 5am from complications from pancreatitis.
Sugar's doing fine considering she has congestive heart failure, but her doctor has told her to enjoy every day we have together, which of course we do. Her tummy is bothering her this morning. Sigh.
Lana is fine but lonely. Needs to play. Don't know if either girl gets it yet about Rickey.
And Bongo is still gone but never lost in our hearts and minds. I have no idea of what he and Rickey will think of each other and I may have to wait a long time til I know. But for those of you that don't know Rickey's backstory, Dodson and I rescued him from our Basset Rescue Network friends, Dawn and Carol. He and Lana are the offspring of the same Dad but different Moms. He came to the ranch because his other Dad (previous owner, not Dodson) died in the fall of 2005.
I'm thinking Rick really missed that guy and has caught up with him at the Bridge and to be honest, I could always tell this little guy had something on his mind. We loved the hell out of him for 360 days. Life is mean sometimes, but I'd do it all over again just the way we did it.

I love you li'l bear. thanks for making me feel so happy when missing Bongo could have eaten me up. Please come see me right away when I get to the Bridge, Bongo will understand, so will your other Dad. Find peace and you can tell your Dad that it was I who taught you how to kiss properly.

1 comment:
I am so sorry for your loss. I know how special Bassets are (we have two), and I know it's such a hard thing when one goes to the Bridge. I visit your site often, and the videos and pictures make me smile. I love the howling video, that is priceless. Your new pup is very cute, he found a perfect home! Take care :)
You can visit my pups at the dogster page I created :) Take care.
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