April 26, 1998. My fortieth birthday. I had never taken care of a fish let alone a dog. Let alone two dogs. I was overwhelmed and all angry and pissy for about a week. And then I realized how much they both needed me and loved me with every fiber of their little darling beings. You just can't imagine how adorable they were this Sunday. And how incredibly hung over I was from the party the night before. But there I was, holding treasure in my hands. Look at 'em.
Sugar and I are celebrating our eight years together. We had a really nice walk this morning together. I am grateful for every second I have spent with her and I have no regrets about how she has spent her time so far, constantly adored. Adam and his wonderful boyfriend Daniel have graciously loaned us their house in Palm Springs for the weekend and Sugar and Rickey and Lana are very excited for a spontaneous vacation with their Dads.
I'm thinkin happy thoughts about Bongo, cuz we always had fun on my birthday. I know he's thinkin bout me too.
Happy anniversary Mr Man, you still thrill my heart every day with the thought of your smile. Big kiss to you and all your pals at the bridge.
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