an ongoing tribute to quite a little guy who was here for a short amount of time but forever changed my life. he was an angel sent to show me how to live, laugh, and love. If there is a heaven, he is the first person I hope I see when I get there. his little sister is there to keep him in line and to possibly snag something to eat off of a tabletop.
you know you're supposed to be clicking on all of these awesome images yes i know there are no cars (certainly no gas burning ones) at the bridge but I really do think Kauai is what heaven looks like and Sugar always wanted to go.
Some previously posted bridge imagery:
Bongo probably barked his head offThis in from Sugar: she would have gotten there a lot sooner but there was a tremendous hold up in line because of some guy
Sugar Joan Elliott Hohman Junior March 4, 1998- February 22, 2007 10:15pm PEBT
Eighth born of a litter of eight. The runt of the litter, she luxuriated in being worshipped, pampered, and slavishly adored by her brother Bongo, the first born. Equally put on a pedestal by her two hopelessly smitten Dads and her niece Lanaynez. Far too briefly the enchanted of Rickey Cugat. Newly fondly felt for by Roccheaux Raoul. Loved boundlessly by her Grandma and her Nana. Sugar and Bongo came to live with me on my fortieth birthday when they were seven weeks old. Until his passing a year ago they never spent a moment apart, ever. She lived her life to its fullest by bossing everyone around and knowing exactly what that was on top of the counter or in your purse. Perhaps a little nearsighted or maybe she really was just ignoring you. Ate an entire red velvet cake with chocolate frosting and the enormous glass platter it was on when she was five (possible cause of congestive heart failure, complications from which she passed). Mentioned that the cake and the platter were delicious, thank you very much. Incredibly interested in what your napkin tasted like. And where the best place to nap at which time of day. Which Papa to sleep next to for the first part of the evening. Average kisser (sorry, somebody has to be). Except for a couple of times when she was young she never spent a night away from her Papas nor her brother or niece. We are all very sad (except for Bongo who I believe is exultant, he has fifteen months of eyeboogers to clean up). If there is a heaven, seriously, the first person I see better be Bongo but Sugar Joan better be right there with him. Bongo, make this effortless for your sister. Or she will kick your ass if you don't so you might as well. Safe passage my first daughter, my angel. I will love and honor you forever and cannot wait to be reunited with you.
There never was a baby like my baby No other baby ever had that smile
And since she’s gone I just can’t be a crybaby My baby made life worthwhile
There never was another doll or guy, baby Who looked exactly like my valentine
She was specially designed for me And if you should want her double
Brother, are you in trouble Never, no never, a baby like mine
Sugar, my dearest darling angel, I was lying about the kissing, how do you think you originally got your name? take time to see who is on the "friends" lists Also, a little Danorama for dessert:
This first one I took two days ago but it's zero in new york and eighty here. I know I have the good end of the bargain but it's too early for it to be this hot. And it will be twenty degrees cooler tomorrow. by the way you tell me rocco totally got bigger in the last day his head is huge he's so handsome and lovin life
Also, Sugar had to go see her cardiologist on Thursday, she wasn't feeling well for a few days and the doctors have changed her meds and she seems much more herself. It's all a gift. Where else can i be about it.
We are all really embarrassed. January 29th would have been Rickey's sixth birthday. Dad spent a good portion of the last couple of days apologizing to his box on the mantle but I'm sure Rickey doesn't mind stretching out his celebration at the bridge. Rickey and his best buddy Luke are getting the new dog park at Basset Rescue Network's facility named after them, Rickilu Field. Happy birthday little darling, you little nut, I sure as hell hope you are livin' large with your first Dad at the bridge. we miss you bear
Dodson and Bob love life with their three dogs Lanaynez, Rocco and Romeo. All of us love Bongo, the goodest of all the good boys, who is waiting patiently (or not) for all of us at the Rainbow bridge. He is not alone-his sister Sugar rules his roost and our boy Rickey is there with them, too. We miss them alot, everyday. We like yards and flowers and ponds and movies and music and most of all dogs. And having fun together.